Welcome to Soul Stitchery: A Haven for Quilting Enthusiasts

Hey there, fellow quilters! I'm Marisol, and I couldn't be more thrilled to welcome you to Soul Stitchery.

As quilters, we appreciate the power of a success story. We relish in conquering new techniques and delight in welcoming new members to our beloved community. Soul Stitchery is not just a store—it's a celebration of our journey.

Crafting quilts, experiencing the joy of creating, and discovering beautiful fabric collections is my passion. I know how it feels to tirelessly search for the perfect patterns, the latest fabric trends, and the best quilting tools. That's why I created Soul Stitchery—to share this love with you and build a community of like-minded individuals who can learn, create, and have a whole lot of fun together.

Quilting Education Made Accessible
One problem I noticed within the industry was the lack of clear and accessible education on quilting techniques. There are options out there, but they often leave you feeling confused or incomplete. At Soul Stitchery, we aim to remedy that. We curate a selection of instructional resources that are easy to follow and understand, empowering you to explore new techniques and expand your skills.

From Personal Journey to Passion
My love for crafting began with crochet—the simple chain stitch taught to me by my grandmother. Knitting and spinning followed, and cross-stitching became my everyday craft. With a million UFOs (Unfinished Objects) to my name, I knew I had found my creative calling.

In 2016, after undergoing a challenging journey of surgeries, I discovered quilting. I walked into my local JoAnn's store, searching for some DMC floss, and thought for the millionth time how cool it would be to create with all the vibrant fabrics surrounding me. That encounter led me to take a class at my local quilt shop, where I fell head over heels for quilting.

However, in 2021, life threw a curveball my way. What seemed like a terrible moment became the catalyst for my transformation. We all have those moments when we realize something needs to change. I found myself in a career I despised, feeling unfulfilled and far from the life I had envisioned. It was time for a drastic shift.

Embracing Change and Following a Dream
With the courage to dream again, I made the life-altering decision to leave my established career, sell off my belongings in Florida and embark on a cross-country adventure to the Pacific Northwest—Walla Walla, WA, to be precise. This bold new chapter became the birthplace of Soul Stitchery.

Within these cozy studio walls, you'll find not only carefully curated fabrics from the most brilliant designers but also an assortment of notions, gadgets, and gizmos that a quilting enthusiast and a gadget girl like myself simply can't live without. Soul Stitchery is more than a store—it's a place where connections are formed, inspiration blooms, and magic happens.

Inspiring, Empowering, and Educating
The mission of Soul Stitchery is clear: to inspire, empower, and educate quilters of all ages and skill levels. We believe that fabric is more than just a material—it has the power to bring us joy and foster creativity. By curating a unique selection of high-quality fabrics, notions, and tools, we aim to create a vibrant and inclusive community where everyone can explore the wonders of quilting and sewing.

At Soul Stitchery, we celebrate every success, big or small. We're here to support your quilting journey and provide resources that guide you toward creating beautiful quilts, bags, and other handmade treasures. Together, let's embrace the magic of learning, the joy of crafting, and the sense of belonging that comes from being part of a wonderful community.

Welcome home to Soul Stitchery—your sanctuary of stitches, love, and creativity. I can't wait to embark on this incredible quilting adventure with you. Let's stitch our souls together.

With love and gratitude,